Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Break!

Well folks, it is that wonderful time of year again, Christmas!!! The B.B. Weekly Review will be taking a much needed Christmas break to catch up with baking, housework, presents, family and friends! Wishing you all loads of cheer in the coming year... and remember... Jesus is the reason for the season!
Stay tuned... see you all in 2011!!

Happy Reading!

Monday, December 6, 2010

"The Catcher in The Rye" by J.D. Salinger (1945) - REVIEW

Goodday and welcome to
"The B.B. Weekly Review"

Review: This is a great read and should be on everyone's 'to be read' list. It is a completely honest novel and reads as if a young man is talking to you straight from his heart. Holden Caulfield is living through extreme depression in which nothing seems to lift the haze. He gets kicked out of school and wanders around the streets of New York for a few days because he doesn't want his parents to find out. His view of humanity in general, as well as specific people he meets and knows is so cynical and skewed,...and yet, it is often the way many (most?) of us would really feel if we were honest. Holden's favourite words, 'phonÿ', 'lousy', 'sad', and 'depressed' are extrememly overused throughout the book... but they sure get the point across.
All in all, I enjoyed this book. There is, however, some foul language and mature content, and is suited for a more mature audience.

My Rating: 3/5
Have you read "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger? I would love to know what you thought!
Want to read it? Find it on Amazon!
Happy Reading!

Monday, November 29, 2010

"The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman (1992) - REVIEW

Goodday and welcome to
"The B.B. Weekly Review"

This book would make a FABULOUS Christmas present!
Review: Incredible!! "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman is a book that should be in every home's library. This book deals with learning how to love your spouse, from a Christian point of view, whether you have been married for a long time or not! Chapman thoroughly explores the five love languages; 'Words of Affirmation', 'Quality Time', 'Gift Giving', 'Acts of Service' and 'Physical Touch', detailing how to love your spouse in his or her primary language. 'Emotional Love' keeps the 'Love Tank' full and your marriage strong and growing. A book for anyone and everyone who wants to love those are them in the most effective way. The Five Love Languages can also be applied to children and friends, but this specific book is geared towards spousal love. We also have this book in the "Men's Edition"...but I have not read this version. :)

My Rating: 5/5
Have you read "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman? I would love to know what you thought!
Want to read it? Find it on Amazon!
Happy Reading!

Monday, November 22, 2010

"Chalktown" by Melinda Hayes (2001) - REVIEW

Goodday and welcome to
"The B.B. Weekly Review"
Review: "Chalktown" by Melinda Hayes was a very strange, sacrilegious novel that I picked up from the bargain table at Chapters several years ago. Now I know why that beautiful hardcover was only two dollars. I was never quite sure if it was blatantly mocking Christianity and religion, or simply ignorant. The novel is comprised of several murders mixed in with ignorance, racism, insanity, fornication and past memories to create a hodge-podge novel that leaves you wondering what just happened. Sex, murder, foul language and mature content are found throughout the book, making it unsuitable for many readers. I would not recommend this book to anyone.

My Rating: 0/5

Have you read "Chalktown" by Melinda Hayes? Was it worth talking about?
If you want to read it despite my negative review, you can find it on Amazon!
Happy Reading!

Monday, November 15, 2010

"The Chrysalids" by John Wyndham (1955) - REVIEW

Goodday and welcome to
"The B.B. Weekly Review"

Review: "The Chrysalids" by John Wyndham brings to light the ridiculous importance that humans put on conforming to the 'norm.' 'Think pictures' and 'thought-shapes' enable a small group of individuals to communicate using only thought in a backwards world that is desperately trying to eliminate anything that deviates from the 'norm.' The book follows the life of a young boy who hides his mind powers in order to fit in to a world of harsh judgement and cruel treatment. He finds others like himself and the story unfolds to show that there are many people who simply do not fit into the perfect mold that their society demands. This work of 'Logical Fantasÿ' is brilliantly crafted.
It is a very eye opening and thought provoking book, especially with regards to the importance that humans put on trivial defects. My husband and I read this book together and both thoroughly enjoyed it!

My Rating: 5/5

Have you read "The Chrysalids" by John Wyndham? I would love to know what you thought!
Want to read it? Find it on Amazon!
Happy Reading!

Monday, November 8, 2010

"The Day of the Triffids" by John Wyndham (1951) - REVIEW

Goodday and welcome to
"The B.B. Weekly Review"

SPOILER ALERT: This review may contain some slight spoilers.
Review: "The Day of the Triffids" by John Wyndham is a strangely moving novel. It is also very encouraging as you see normal people continue to persevere even after the near destruction of the human race. It is very true to life and compelling. Such a devestated and diffferent world is hard to imagine, but Wyndham makes it appear very real and (in a strange way) almost desirable.
The book follows the life and struggles of a man who can see in a world where everyone is suddenly blind and man-killing plants roam freely, causing mass destruction and chaos. Survival becomes a daily struggle and hard moral choices must be made. *Spoiler: It is very "fantastic" throughout, until you realize that the reason for the destrction is due to humanities rising knowledge and increased weapons research: self inflicted destruction of humanity.*
I enjoyed every minute of this book as my husband and I read it out loud.

 My Rating: 5/5

Have you read "The Day of the Triffids" by John Wyndham? I would love to know what you thought!
Want to read it? Find it on Amazon!
Happy Reading!

Monday, November 1, 2010

"The Family Nobody Wanted" by Helen Doss (1954) - REVIEW

Goodday and welcome to
"The B.B. Weekly Review"

Review: "The Family Nobody Wanted" (1954)  by Helen Doss has been my favourite book since I first picked it up at the local homsechool lending library at the age of eight. I have read and re-read the book countless times. I never tire of the children's antics, or Helen and her Metholodist Minister husband, Carl Doss. After finding out that they can not physically have children of their own, they begin the long and arduous process of adoption. After struggling with their first adoption, and not wanting an only child, they decide to adopt "just one more baby" whihc turns into eleven more children in the next ten years! The rambunctious brood of twelve is made up of mixed race children that "nobody else wanted" to adopt. The book is filled with humorous tales of the children and their parents and is a heartwarming true story of one family who made a difference in so mnay people's lives.

My Rating: 5/5

Have you read "The Family Nobody Wanted" by Helen Doss? I would love to know what you thought!
Want to read it? Find it on Amazon!
Happy Reading!

Monday, October 25, 2010

"The Penelopiad" by Margaret Atwood (2005) - REVIEW

Goodday and welcome to
"The B.B. Weekly Review"

I figured after last weeks post, I should probably end my Margaret Atwood stint with a positive review!
Review: I loved "The Penelopiad: The Myth of Penelope and Odysseus" (2005) by Margaret Atwood. Wow! What a great twist on the ancient story of Penelope and Odysseus! This was an easy and enjoyable read! Short and to the point, Atwood relives an ancient story from a completely new perspective...the wife's point of view.
There are the 'poems of the 12 hanged maidens' that are dispersed throughout the novel, adding yet another dimension, and something more to think about.
I thoroughly enjoyed this little novel and it was a lot of fun to read!

My Rating: 4/5

Have you read "The Penelopiad" by Margaret Atwood? I would love to know what you thought!
Want to read it? Find it on Amazon!
Happy Reading!

Monday, October 18, 2010

4 Margaret Atwood Novels- A Huge Disappointment- REVIEWS

Goodday and welcome to
"The B.B. Weekly Review"

Margaret Atwood is one of those famous Authors that everyone loves and everyone raves about her books. I think that she is so famous that publishers don't really even read her books... they just publish them because they know that people will buy them.

I, for one, have been very disappointed with Margaret Atwood.

 Don't get me wrong, there are several of her books that I really loved, especially "Oryx & Crake."
After having heard nothing but praise for Atwood in my University Lit classes, from Professors and Students alike, and after having studied and enjoyed "Alias Grace" I decided it was time for me to get with the times and become an avid Atwood reader and fan. I always told people, "oh yeah, I love Atwood too" even though I had only read a few short works and one novel.
After my Mum RAVED to me about "Oryx & Crake" enough, I took the plunge and read the book. I LOVED IT! It was a very weird book, and I was completely enthralled and Atwood's new biggest fan. Of course after that I wanted to read more of her works, so for the next few months I bought or borrowed every Atwood book I could find, including: Moral Disorder, Surfacing, The Robber Bride, The Penelopiad and  The Edible Woman.
I emjoyed The Penelopiad.
I absolutely hated all of the others.
 I couldn't figure it out. Most of the books did not even have a good plot, no climax, and an appallingly horrible ending. I don't think one sinlge book had a conclusive ending. What I loved about Oryx and Crake; the strangeness, the mystery; I hated about all of her other books.
So, instead of wasting several "B.B. Weekly Review" posts on Atwood's writings, I will give you my very brief short hand reviews. I won't even elaborate because I don't want to waste that much time on these books. Sorry Margaret.

"The Edible Woman" (1969) by Margaret Atwood.

Review: A woman's body shuts down according to her mental state of being. She is "suffocated" by the oppression of having a man in her life and her engagement to him. The subconscious takes over and she basically stops eating. Interesting view of humanity, although I don't think I agree. Her friend, Duncan, a crazed English graduate student makes fun of people like Atwood who are writers/English majors, etc. The 'Power of the Mind' is a main focus throughout the book. Inconclusive ending.
My Rating: 1/5

"The Robber Bride" (1993) by Margaret Atwood.

Review: Interesting, A lot of newage references. Very uneccessarily lengthy. Almost too descriptive. Very intricately woven, however, and that keeps the reader hooked right to the end. Somewhat anti-climactic, however, as the book begins with Zenia's death, and then ends with her death. The book seems to simply 'cut off' after ALOT of history/memory leading up to...exactly what they all want. Leaves some questions, and yet seems conclusive at the same time. Leaves one undecided as to whether or not it was worth the time to read.
My Rating: 1/5

"Surfacing" (1972)  by Margaret Atwood.

Review: A woman's journey to find herself and cope with the past. What begins as a trip to find her missing father turns into a life altering experience, taking her through  childhood memories, repressed adult memories and present fears. that all 'bad' people are labeled Americans. Some coarse language and mature subject matter. A little hard to follow at times as the past and present intermingle in the same sentences. Very strange ending. Not recommended.
My Rating: 0/5 (Hated- not even worth a coffee cup)

"Moral Disorder" (2006) by Margaret Atwood.

Review:  Like most of Atwood's books, the ending is inconclusive. There is no plot. Nothing is resolved. The book is simply a collection of short stories, detailing the lives of the same poeple, at different times and stages. Though strange and inconclusive, it was interesting and easy to read.
My Rating: 1/5

And there you have it folks, my disappointment with Margaret Atwood. It will probably be a long time (if ever) until I pick up another Atwood book.
Have you read "The Edible Woman" "The Robber Bride" "Surfacing" "Moral Disorder" or any other Atwood books?? I would love to know what you thought! Is there one that you really enjoyed and that you would recommend to me to restore Atwood's reputation in my mind? Let me know!
Happy Reading!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

GIVEAWAY!!! "And The Beat Goes On" by Tracy Krauss

Woah! I can't believe I almost missed out on getting my name in for this FABULOUS giveaway of "And The Beat Goes On" by Tracy Krauss. Check out the interview at Butterfly Journey and leave a comment to be entered to win a free copy of this amazing book!

Happy Reading!

Monday, October 11, 2010

"Oryx & Crake" by Margaret Atwood (2003) - REVIEW

"The B.B. Weekly Review"

For this week's review, I have chosen one of my favourites... "Oryx & Crake" by Margaret Atwood. I will be reviewing several Atwood books over the next few weeks... so stay tuned!

Review: "Oryx & Crake" by Margaret Atwood (2003) will change the way you look at humanity. Some of the seemingly ridiculous 'discoveries' and 'inventions' in the novel are scarily close to what is happening today. It makes one feel that humanity is heading towards its own destruction, faster and faster. Atwood does not shy away from edgy topics that many Authors would rather allude to, or keep 'hush-hush'. If you like edgy/sci-fi fiction, you will enjoy Atwood's novel "Oryx & Crake". Thought inspiring and compelling throughout, I definitely couldn't put this book down for long. This is one of those books you will keep coming back to and you will never stop asking questions.
For a mature audience.

My Rating: 5/5

Have you read "Oryx & Crake" by Margaret Atwood? I would love to know what you thought!
Want to read it? Find it on Amazon!
Want to read a more thorough review of the book? Check it out at The Book Stew

Happy Reading!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Book-Junkies Unite!...aka Friday Follow (10/8/10)

Happy Friday and Welcome to this week's edition of 
"Book-Junkies Unite!"

This is your chance to get out there and meet other book lovers... so get going! Click on the pictures below to check out all of our fellow book-junkies!
Scroll down on my blog to read my latest reviews... and have fun!!

Question: How many reviews do you like to do a week?
Answer: Usually only one...hence "The B.B. Weekly Review"...but this week Idid two!

Book Blogger Hop
This Week's Question:
What's your favorite beverage while reading or blogging, if any? Is it tea, coffee, water, a glass of wine, or something else?

My Answer:
Hmmm... I just like to have a beverage! Usually something HOT... coffee in the morning and tea at night.
Be sure to check back on Monday as I will be reviewing one of my favourite books!!
Happy Reading!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

"After The Rains" by Deborah Raney (2002) - REVIEW

Goodday and welcome to
"The B.B. Weekly Review"

I have decided to do a second "BB Weekly Review" this week... partly because I just finished this book last night, and party because it is the sequel to my first review this week. Enjoy!
Review: "After The Rains" (2002) by Deborah Raney is the sequel to "Beneath a Southern Sky." This second novel follows Daria and Nate's daughter, Natalie, as she searches to find out who she is in the wake of her parents tragic history. The outcome is somewhat given away in the epilogue of "Beneath a Southern Sky" (so don't read the epilogue if you don't want to know what happens in the second book!). This book was also very emotionally charged and pulled at my heart. I cried as Natalie went through some extremely hard circumstances and then had to live with the devestating consequences. The book spanned four years, and I found that it progressed rather quickly towards the end, cutting out some character development. The book ended rather abrupty, but all in all I thought it was true to life a very good read. It kept me up much too late last night anyway!

My Rating: 4/5

Have you read "After The Rains" by Deborah Raney? I would love to know what you thought!
Want to read it? Find it on Amazon!
Happy Reading!

Monday, October 4, 2010

"Beneath a Southern Sky" by Deborah Raney (2001) - REVIEW

Goodday and welcome to
"The B.B. Weekly Review"
Review: "Beneath a Southern Sky"(2001) by Deborah Raney really captured my attention and wrenched my heart. I couldn't rest until I knew what would happen and that everything would be alright. I literally cried through about 1/3 of this book. Sometimes in agonizing sorrow, sometimes in sheer happiness.
I thought about it all day while I was at work, read through my lunch hour and hunched over it late at night until I was finished.  This is a story of disobedience, redemption, heartache and true love.
After Missionary Daria Camfield's husband is reported dead, she returns to the United States as a widow with their unborn child. Several years later, after having remarried and begun her life anew, she receives the news that her first husband has been found alive in the wilds of Colombia. If you truly love your spouse, you will agonize with Daria as she has to make the hardest decision there is.
I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys being emotionally involved in their reading. You won't be able to remain detached from this story!  
My Rating: 4/5

Have you read "Beneath a Southern Sky" by Deborah Raney? I would love to know what you thought!
Want to read it? Find it on Amazon!

The Versatile Blogger Award!!

I am so honoured! I have been given the Versatile Blogger award by my new friend Laurel over at Curl up and Read!! Check out her sight!

Here are the simple rules:
1) Link back to the blogger who gave the award;
2) Share seven things about yourself
3)  Pass the award on to ten bloggers; then contact each of them.
So here goes:

Seven Things:
1. I am married to the most amazing man in the Universe!
2. I am proud to be Canadian!
3. I LOVE to read!!!! But I also LOVE to scrapbook! Sometimes I have a very hard time deciding between the two hobbies!
4. I also have a scrapbooking blog: ScrapArt by Pris... check it out! 
5. I am a Christian and love Jesus Christ with all of my heart.
6. I have the most incredible family... in-laws, out-laws and all!
7. I want to have a million babies! Ok... I will settle for at least four...

(I was blessed to receive this same award at ScrapArt by Pris... so I can now pass it on to another deserving 10 blogs!) It is my pleasure to now pass this award on, in no particular order, to:

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

Happy Reading!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Book-Junkies Unite!...aka Friday Follow! (10/1/10)

Happy Friday and Welcome to this week's edition of 
"Book-Junkies Unite!"

This is your chance to get out there and meet other book lovers... so get going! Click on the pictures below to check out all of our fellow book-junkies!
Scroll down on my blog to read my latest reviews... and have fun!!

Book Blogger Hop
This Week's Question:
How do you spread the word about your blog?

My Answer:
Well, this is actually onlt my second week of having this blog up and running! So far I have joined in a couple hops and have enjoyed it immensly!! I am also a member of "book blogs" whihc is a great way to get to know authors/readers! This whole experiene has been so much fun. Also, I have two BRAND NEW blog buttons! So go ahead and grab one if you like! I am hoping to become more involved in the blog community soon!!!

Happy Reading!

Monday, September 27, 2010

"Alas Babylon" by Pat Frank (1959) - REVIEW

Goodday and welcome to
"The B.B. Weekly Review"

This week I have chosen to review the book "Alas Babylon" by Pat Frank.

Review: "Alas Babylon" by Pat Frank (1959) was a fantastic read!As a novel, it was easy to read and kept me interested from cover to cover. More than that, however, it really makes you stop and think; what if nuclear warfare began to destroy the world? Would people be able to survive? What would they do? Would they revert back to base animal instincts, or be "civilized" to the end?
This novel details the daily lives of a family learning to survive in a new world after a nuclear disaster hits the world. When this book was written, people were still a lot more self-sufficient than they are today. Reading from a Twentyfirst Century view point, I think most people would be a lot worse off than Pat Frank makes them appear to be in the mid-Twentieth Century.
 Compelling and real, I couldn't put the book down until it was finished. I read this book out loud to my husband while we were driving and we both thoroughly enjoyed it. I would recommend this book to anyone.

My Rating: 5/5
Have you read "Alas Babylon" by Pat Frank? I would love to know what you thought!
Want to read it? Find it on Amazon!
Happy Reading!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

60 followers in 5 days!!!!!!!

This has got to be some kind of record! My first post was on September 21, 2010.... and as of today, September 26, 2010, I have 60 followers!!!
I guess book reviewing must be a more popular topic than I originally thought...and I am so thankful! I can't wait to get to know you all better!
Thank you all so much!!! 
I think as soon as I reach 100 followers I will have to have a book giveaway!!!!
Be sure to check back tomorrow for the "B.B. Weekly Review!"

PLUS... check out this fabulous giveaway at Sparkling Reviews!!

Happy Reading!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Book-Junkies Unite! aka Friday Follow (9/24/10)

Happy Friday Everyone and Welcome to
"Book Junkies Unite!... aka Friday Follow"

This is your chance to get out there and meet other book lovers... so get going! Click on the pictures below to check out all of our fellow book-junkies! Follow the blogs you like and comment on the posts you like... and most of all, have fun!

Book Blogger Hop
This Week's Question:
When you write reviews, do you write them as you are reading or wait until you have read the entire book?

My Answer:
I always wait until I have finished the book completely. Usually I need to read the entire book before I can form an honest opinion of it.
Happy Reading!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"Life With Father" by Clarence Day Jr. (1920) - REVIEW

Goodmorning and welcome to
 "The B.B. Weekly Review"

For my first review I have chosen a book called "Life With Father" by Clarence Day Jr., first copyright  1920.
I chose this book, firstly, because I just finished reading it this morning, and secondly because I wanted to start my blog off with an easy and fun read. 

"Life With Father" by Clarence Day Jr. is a true story about the daily life of a red-headed, New York family in the late 1800's. Each chapter reveals a different incident or characteristic in "Father's" life, making it easy to read either "on-the-go" or all at once. The Author remembers "Father" from a child's perspective, adding hilarity to every chapter as Father continuously loses his temper or forces his views and ego on everyone around him. "Father" rules the house and the money, but "Mother" is continually outwitting and scheming to get what she needs. Though often humourous at "Father's" expense, the book comes across as a wonderful and respectful memoire. Written in early 20th Century style, some people may find this book hard to relate to. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone who likes a good chuckle. 

My Rating: 4/5
Have you read "Life With Father" by Clarence Day? Let me know what you thought of it!
Want to read it?

Happy Reading!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Welcome to The Benterud Bookshelf!

Welcome to the Benterud Bookshelf!
My name is Pris and I love books. It is more of an obsession really.
I have an English BA degree and am passionate about reading. I married an amazing man who also loves to read... so you can imagine what our romantic nights at home consist of... reading!

This is a blog for the discussion and review of all different kinds of books. What I have been reading, what I loved or hated and what I would recommend or warn against. I have a little journal that I review every book I read in and give it a rating of my own. I have been doing this for just over two years, and I thought it was about time that I started sharing my reviews with the outside world.

Above you will notice I have a bunch of pages... this is a list of every book on our bookshelf. I try to keep this list as up to date as possible... but new books always seem to be popping up! Feel free to browse through my "shelves" and let me know if there is a specific book you would like to see a review on.

My goals for this blog are as follows:

1. Read books off of my own bookshelf. My goal is to have read 75% of my Fiction & Non-Fiction bookshelf  by 2012

2. Keep track of the books I am reading

3. Post reviews of books I have read

4. Meet lots of amazing people who love to read and discuss literature!

5. (Eventually) host Authors and have book giveaways

 Is there a book you would like to discuss? A book you are eager to read but want to hear a review first? Let me know and I will try to accomodate. I would also love to here what YOU are reading and YOUR opinions of books I have reviewed... so drop me a comment!

Happy Reading!