Monday, October 25, 2010

"The Penelopiad" by Margaret Atwood (2005) - REVIEW

Goodday and welcome to
"The B.B. Weekly Review"

I figured after last weeks post, I should probably end my Margaret Atwood stint with a positive review!
Review: I loved "The Penelopiad: The Myth of Penelope and Odysseus" (2005) by Margaret Atwood. Wow! What a great twist on the ancient story of Penelope and Odysseus! This was an easy and enjoyable read! Short and to the point, Atwood relives an ancient story from a completely new perspective...the wife's point of view.
There are the 'poems of the 12 hanged maidens' that are dispersed throughout the novel, adding yet another dimension, and something more to think about.
I thoroughly enjoyed this little novel and it was a lot of fun to read!

My Rating: 4/5

Have you read "The Penelopiad" by Margaret Atwood? I would love to know what you thought!
Want to read it? Find it on Amazon!
Happy Reading!


  1. That's a bit of a relief for me since I have The Handmaid's Tale on my TBR shelf! Let's hope it's a positive experience :)

  2. If it's fairly short, I might give it a try. Then again, Surfacing is shorter... and it felt way too long. But the new twist on an old story sounds interesting.

    Thanks for the review!

  3. Stopping by from the blog hop and a new follow today...looking forward to reading your reviews...:p

  4. Hopping by from Follow Friday. I am following you and would love it if you follow me back at



I love to hear what YOU think! Thanks for stopping by!