Monday, July 25, 2011

"The Shadow Within" by Karen Hancock (2004) - REVIEW

Goodday and welcome to
"The B.B. Weekly Review"
The next few weeks will feature one of my (and my Husband's) favourite series of novels called "Legends of the Guardian King" by Karen Hancock. The second book in the series is "The Shadow Within". You can also see my review of the first book "The Light of Eidon".
Back Cover Blurb:
Four years after his legend-spawning defeat of Beltha’adi, Abramm returns to Kiriath to claim the crown he thought he would never wear and prepare his people for the inevitable attack of the resurrected Armies of the Black Moon.
 Though fiercely opposed by his own kin and reluctant to cast Kiriath into civil war at the worst possible time, he nevertheless believes this is the destiny Eidon has laid upon his life. And Kiriath’s only hope of salvation.
In the midst of this turmoil a headstrong princess from a neighboring realm endeavors to uncover Abramm’s secrets—including his heroic exploits as the White Pretender and the fact that he wears a golden shield upon his chest. Is she friend or foe, and will her interference bring Abramm closer to his destiny or destroy any chance he has of maintaining his rightful place as King?

Review: The second book in Karen Hancock's "Legends of the Guardian King" series is actually the first book my husband and I read from this compelling series. It was awesome! Masterfully put togeter, weaving a beautiful picture of everyone's internal and external struggle to overcome 'the shadow within' and embrace God's love completely. Suspensful, action-packed and insightful, this book is hard to put down for long! Wonderfully appropriate for all ages and highly recommended!
My Rating: 5/5

Have you read "The Shadow Within" by Karen Hancock? I would love to know what you thought!
Want to read it? Find it on Amazon!
Happy Reading!

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